~Psychic Detective Contributed by marhar@wr.com.au (Lord Marcus Dracon) WALKTHROUGH This is an unique game by Electronic Art Studios. It has 10 endings, four of them are bad endings, 5 are good endings, and 1 is the best endings, it called : The Grand Slam. This walkthrough is for reaching the best ending. So here we are : AT HOUSE - Wait until Laina introduce Fox to Moki. - Jump to his mind. - Follow Moki until he had a fight with Laina. - Watch he discover Laina's past - Keep following Moki until he made a deal with Chad. - Follow Moki to browse the paper - When he sees Sylvia through the mirror, jump to Sylvia's mind - Follow her upstairs, as soon as you see Chad's mind, jump to his mind - Look at the green book. - Jump back to Sylvia's mind again when she enters the room. - When she starts stabbing Chad jump back to Fox mind. ( You'll hear Fox said about a girl and big knife ) - Go to library, and find Chad's body - Analyze the knife or paper - Go out OUTSIDE HOUSE - Listen the conversation ( Laina will praise Fox ) - Wait until she goes out the car, click on "HELP ME" icon on the right - Analyze the bracelet - She'll go out, Moki will come. - Ignore him and follow Monica THE LOUNGE - Jump to Monica's mind when she enter the lounge. - Jump to Sylvia's mind. - Wait until Monica said about an address ( 484 something ) - When the bodyguard talk to Sylvia, and Sylvia order him to go to that address, go to the address. - You'll back in Fox mind. - Watch Laina using the collector ( you can jump to Sergei's mind) - Barge in - Choose "HELP LAINA" - Watch the story unfolds. Change disk 2 LAINA'S HOUSE - When Sergei starts to scream, jump to Sylvia's mind. - Watch Sylvia monitoring the conversation between Moki and Max - Jump to Sergei's mind when you see Max torn the paper from Moki ( you must act quickly or fox can't see Sergei's killer ) - Watch the killing, the police will arrive - You should see that Fox is speechless in front of the police (if you see Fox talking to much, you'll miss the ending ) - Jump to the police's mind ( I forgot his name ) when he drags you to jail. THE COLLECTOR - Outside jump to the Delivery's mind ( first man you see ) - Jump to Laina's mind at the crosspoint. - Watch she blame herself - Jump to the boy with skate. - Wait until you see a bag lady - Jump to her mind - Watch she discover the fourth collector in the shop - Back to Fox's mind Change disc 3 - Follow Laina to that shop - First jump to Sylvia's head than use Affection on shop owner, he'll give you the collector ( don't choose submission, you'll go straight to Max's office ) ANNA'S HOUSE - Follow Laina to the library - Analyze the triangle - Follow the step on triangle, it will open the secret door - Analyze the collector bag, the symbol and the workbench. - Quickly go to Madamme T, it's on lower right ( don't do anything else ) - You'll have time to help her - Choose "MONICA TROUBLE" when you deal with Sylvia - Anna will say "That's a good move ( something like that )" - Watch the scene until you reach Max's office RESCUE MONICA - Choose "HELP MONICA" - Jump to Jeanine's mind - Watch her seduce the bodyguard - Back to Fox's mind - Use collector when the bodyguard sees you. - Choose Affection on bodyguard - Choose Aggression on Monica ( act quickly ) - Watch Fox grab the gun from the bodyguard. ENDING - Watch scene until Max challenge you to play Black Diamond Game - Win it and you'll get the GRAND SLAM. TRICKS TO PLAY BLACK DIAMOND Choose this powerful items : - Anna, the kite, Monica, or Laina Monica's weakness is with the king doll and Moki Laina draw with the king doll and Sergei